17th November 2021
20:15 - 23:00
Rooms booked: Penrose room, Bar area
A non-technical introduction to deep and shallow water waves, diffraction and refraction, seiches and solitons.
Speaker: Julian Woolfram
Club member Julian Wolfram (formerly a professor of ocean engineering) explains through a series of scenarios why it is useful to have a knowledge of waves and their behaviour when selecting anchorages and harbours and planning passages. A non-technical introduction to deep and shallow water waves, diffraction and refraction, seiches and solitons.
N.B To keep members as safe as practicable during Covid we are currently limiting numbers to 48. So to ensure your place at the Workshop please go on-line to MYC Website and book. If you are not able to do that please call Mark or Charlotte at the Club on 01326 374391 to add your name to the list.
Please also note that in light of increased Coid case numbers Members are asked to use facemasks when moving around in the Club.