
We are keen to encourage all members to take part in yacht racing at Mylor Yacht Club, either helming your own boat, or crewing on someone else’s boat. Racing will start on Saturday 26 April with a series of two short races at about 1030 in the morning over the first 3 weeks of the season. We hope to encourage both existing racers, cruisers and anyone else interested to get  involved. In May, we will revert to the usual pattern of Friday evening class racing from about 1815 and Sunday morning pursuit racing from about 1045.

MYC Club Racing is organised into four classes – Echo (Fast Handicap); Whisky (Medium Handicap); Quebec (Slow Handicap); and Hotel (Shrimpers and Gaffers). Often, depending on the numbers competing from each class, these classes can be combined.

To get more information about racing, make sure you ask to go on the racing email list and also the Racing WhatsApp Group in order to receive regular bulletins about forthcoming races. If you have never raced before; would like to crew; or would like some extra help to improve your skills, please get in touch – one of the Racing Committee will be pleased to help.

In order to start racing in 2025 all members are asked to submit a new 2025 Race Entry Form and a 2025 YTC Handicap Form which can be accessed via the blue buttons alongside this note on the racing page of the website. If you held a YTC certificate in 2024, the RORC Rating Office should write to you inviting you to renew your Certificate if you have not changed the rig of your boat or the sail measurements. If you have not previously held a Certificate or your boat specifications have changed, you can apply to the RORC Rating Office following this link:

RYA YTC application form

Ideally you should submit your entry form and handicap form a few days before you wish to start racing to allow time for processing your application and for the Race Officer to be aware of your sail number and YTC number. Racing information will be sent to you by email and WhatsApp.

Morning Pursuit Races will continue to use the land-based start line running from the obelisk below Penarrow Point, and the Mylor Yacht Harbour Yellow racing mark to the east. This works well, and avoids the need for a Committee Boat and a large race management team. It is hoped that both Saturday morning and Friday Evening Class Racing will continue to use a full race management team including a Committee Boat which will normally be anchored broadly between the MYH entrance and St Just. This will depend on the goodwill of members to offer their boats as Committee Boats (which are covered by our Club insurance for this purpose).

Racing can only take place when we have a Race Management Team in place to organise the racing. All members are encouraged to volunteer for at least one duty over the season. The Racing Roster (also alongside) enables you to volunteer for various duties including Race Officer, Assistant Race Officer, Spotter, and volunteering your vessel as a Committee Boat. There is also a Trainee spot for anyone who would like to observe the Race Management Team in action for those with no experience of racing. You will need to log in as a member in order to enter your name onto the Racing Roster

The Mylor RIB acts as a support boat for the racing and can only be coxed by Club Members with at least a Powerboat PB2 qualification, and some experience of racing. Those volunteering for RIB Crew should be physically fit to assist in Mark Laying. Our Bosun, Bernie Bagley will be happy to provide some training for those volunteering for RIB  duty. Training can be provided for each of these roles.

Whilst we take racing seriously, we also want you to have fun. We have learned that regular racing can improve your skills and enable you to get the best performance out of your boat irrespective of where you are in the fleet. We hope to see you on the water later this year.

Steve Przybylski Racing Secretary,

February 2025

Notice of Race 2025

Race entry form

Race Management Policy

Racing Roster

Handicap Policy


Trophy Records

Previous years results and prize winners