Blind at Sea AGM


Racing Prizegiving and Pasty Supper

2021 Trophy Winners, other racers, and members of the Race Management Team are invited to a Racing Prizegiving and Pasty Supper in the Clubhouse on Friday 17 September from about 1900.

Galley Committee Meeting

Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

Galley Committee Meeting

Engine maintenance & Laying up

Mylor Yacht Harbour experts explain and demonstrate what is needed on a display engine Speaker: Nathan Percival    


Wake for John Benge

Racing washup

Reviewing the summer’s racing – what went well (and what didn’t?) Speaker: Steve Przybylski      

Muttley on the ARC 2017

Des Jones reminisces about how the crew got together and the pre-rally preparations, events and parties. Some sailing was involved too! High and lowlights of the voyage across and post-rally update.