Marine Renewable Energy

Bar, Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

“Marine Renewable Energy” Prof Philipp Thies of  the Renewable Energy group at Exeter reviews the most recent developments in marine renewable energy and what we are likely to see around our coasts in the near future.


Surveying Yachts

Bar, Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

 Local yacht surveyor Chris Olsen takes us through the steps involved in a typical insurance or pre purchase Survey, highlighting oft found issues and concerns. He will highlight things that owners should check on their own boats.


The Marine Environment

Bar, Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

 Vicki Spooner of Falmouth Harbour Commissioners talks about  the environmental initiatives currently underway in Falmouth Harbour including seagrass restoration, Advanced Mooring System development and trials and the Green Blue guidance on anchoring and moorings.


Three Wise Men

Bar, Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

 A return of this popular forum giving members the opportunity to raise questions with yachtsmen and engineers with many years experience of sailing and maintaining boats.


Composite Sunbeam and laser scanning and modelling

Bar, Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

Ollie Graffy describes the development and building of the first composite Sunbeam and describes how laser scanning and modelling is used in the recording of boat hull shapes.


Running a race

Bar, Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

Club Racing Officer Jeanette Ruberry explains the process of running a yacht race from well before the start until after the finish. The roles and responsibilities of each member of the Race Officers team are explained.


First Aid at Sea

Bar, Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

The Club’s Hon. Secretary Dr Patrick Farrell talks us through essential First Aid knowledge for all yachtsmen; what you can do in an emergency and when it is vital you seek medical help ASAP.


Search and Rescue

Bar, Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

Ian Copley of Bristow describes the SAR process when a maritime emergency arises and what is involved in carrying out a rescue from a yacht.


RNLI ” Calling for help” & lifejacket checks.

Bar, Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

A member of the RNLI team talks us through the process of calling for help when an emergency arises at sea. To make sure you are well prepared for the coming season bring your lifejackets so they can be checked. 


Pre-Race briefing

Bar, Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

The Club’s Racing Secretary Steve Przybylski describes the racing programme for the 2022 season and highlights any changes from previous years.


Wednesday Workshop – Designing and Making Sails

Bar area , United Kingdom

Nick Head - SKB Sails Designing & making sails –Nick takes us through the process of designing and building sails  - the whole process is undertaken in Penryn

Wednesday Workshop – Boatbuilding on the Fal

Bar area , United Kingdom

Andrew Ferris Andrew is a member of the  Florence working boat syndicate. His family were building traditional boats on the Fal in the 19th century!

Wednesday Workshop – Multi-crew Cruising.

Bar area , United Kingdom

Michael Wright   Michael has participated in the Round the World race and done the Azores and back (AZAB) race.  In his Nicolson 31 Liberty Jane for the last 10 years, he has multi-crewed cruised from Rochfort to Lerwick.

Wednesday Workshop – Smuggling

Bar area , United Kingdom

Pete Newman, Border Forc The situation has changed with Brexit and there is the serious issue of people smuggling on yachts into Cornwall. 

Wednesday Workshop – Christmas Quiz

Bar area , United Kingdom

Des Jones , member   The always entertaining regular spot from our well known water taxi driving, transatlantic sailor Des