Isles of Scilly briefing

Bar, Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

A get together to discuss the upcoming rally to Isles of Scilly .

Commodore’s Review

Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

Private Party

Bar, Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

Devoran Gig Club

VHF / SRC course

Chartroom, Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

Isles of Scilly

The first of the season’s explorations of the IoS anchorages, islands and hospitality.  It will be a joy to welcome RSC cruisers.  If you haven’t sailed or motored there before, it would an excellent occasion to get started under the watchful eyes of Simon and Lynne, our commodore team.  If you can’t make them all, […]


Powerboat Level 2 Training

Powerboat level 2 Training PBL2 course to be held on Wednesday and Thursday 12 &13 June.  The Course is over 2 days and the cost to members is £150 per person. If you are interested please contact Kind regards, Simon Fleming Commodore


Powerboat Level 2 Training

Powerboat level 2 Training PBL2 course to be held on Wednesday and Thursday 12 &13 June.  The Course is over 2 days and the cost to members is £150 per person. If you are interested please contact Kind regards, Simon Fleming Commodore

Volunteers Evening

Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Church Town, Falmouth, United Kingdom

A wine and cheese quiz evening hosted by The Commodore and Directors to support all those hard working volunteers or would be volunteers. If we have missed anybody out, or you are very keen to join the volunteer ranks then contact