Race Entry Form Thank you for your interest in Racing at Mylor in 2025! Please compete this form and click the "Send" button at the bottom. Boat Boat Name (required) Sail Number (required) Yacht Club (required) Non-MYC members, please enter your club or "None" as appropriate. Preferred Class (E, W, Q, H - required) YTC Handicap (required) Declaration I declare that I hold a valid and current boat insurance which covers me for third party indemnity and racing for not less than three million pounds (£3,000,000) and that I will continue to do so whilst engaging in any MYC race. I agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing and all other rules that govern MYC racing in 2025. I confirm that I have read the MYC Notice of Race & Risk Statement 2025 and accept its provisions and agree that my boat will conform to its requirements when racing at MYC in 2025. I consent to my name, boat name and racing results, but no other information, being published including posting on the MYC website. I confirm that I wish to receive information by WhatsApp about any changes to planned racing. Skipper Name (required) Address (required) Your Email Phone 1 - Mobile (required) Shore based Emergency Contact Details Emergency Contact's Name (required) Emergency Contact's Email Emergency Contact's Phone 1 (required) Emergency Contact's Phone 2 Racing Roster Members participating in any Race Series are asked to volunteer for at least one duty on the Racing Roster during the season. This includes volunteering your vessel as a Committee Boat for Friday Evening Races – normally vessels of 30’ or more to accommodate the Race Management Team; acting as Race Officer, if suitably qualified and experienced; or Assistant Race Officer if more experience would be helpful. Spotting is a very useful role, does not require experience, and provides you with a broad experience of the Race Management Teams various roles. You can also volunteer to serve on the Mylor RIB as RIB Crew which similarly does not require any previous experience but you must be physically fit as you may be involved in mark laying or assisting a competitor in difficulties. You can also volunteer as RIB Cox, but you must be qualified at least to RYA PB2). You will need to be logged in to the website as a member to enable your details to be input on the Roster for the date and position selected. Roster Date Roster Position Racing at MYC is based on the YTC System. All entrants including Shrimpers must have a 2025 YTC Certificate.valid