Coronavirus update page
Covid update - 4 February 2022
As we all know the rate of Covid cases are still high in Cornwall. However the Governments position is that with our high vaccination rates, it’s now appropriate to relax stringent Covid rules to allow for more personal responsibility, as we learn to live with COVID within our community. As a club we wish to continue providing as safe an environment as possible for our members but feel we should follow the governments lead in allowing our members more personal choice when visiting the club.
With these thoughts in mind the Covid team met and took the decision to transition from our fairly rigid guidelines to a more open approach which allows individual members to determine how best to protect themselves when visiting the club. We are therefore implementing the following changes, effective immediately:
- Limited numbers and bookings will be removed with exception of chargeable events such as Film nights.
- Events that do require booking should continue to be booked through the website.
- There will be no further need for the track and trace system or signing in book.
- The wearing of masks will no longer be mandatory, but at the discretion of each individual.
- Tables of six will be continued and we recommend to all members that unnecessary movement is kept to a minimum.
We recognise that whilst Covid numbers are still high, we all still need to be careful and vigilant, however we are confident that members will continue, as they have over the last 22 months, to behave in a respectful and considerate manner to protect both themselves and others.
We will as always continue to monitor the National and Local Covid situation and will not hesitate to re-instate further guidelines if it is considered necessary to do so.
Although we have relaxed our rules, we would still encourage members to observe good practice by continue to distance, wear a mask whilst moving around inside and maintain thorough hand washing in order to help keep us all safer.
Once again, we thank you for your continued support and understanding. It is very much appreciated.
Covid Team
Covid Update - 7 January 2022
As you know we enter the New Year with the extremely infectious Omicron Covid variant rife throughout the country. We are fortunate, that currently, infection levels are lower here in Cornwall than those in many parts of the country. However, the number of infections are now rising here, possibly driven by visitors to Cornwall and social mixing over the festive period and are expected to increase further when the students return from the Christmas break.
We are mindful that HMG are not proposing any further restrictions at this time and are placing a heavy reliance on the vaccination programme. At MYC our priority remains ensuring your club continues to function safely and is available to those who wish to visit or attend social events. We will therefore strive to maintain as safe an environment as possible for all our members. Our existing Covid procedures have served us well to date and whilst we are very reluctant to add any additional guidelines, we believe it would now be prudent to encourage the use of Lateral Flow Tests, prior to attending social events at the club.
We therefore recommend, that until further notice, any members planning to attend a social event at the club, take a Lateral Flow Test prior to that event. Taking LFT’s is fast becoming standard practice, prior to attending many public events and whilst far from 100% reliable we believe that alongside our other measures, it will help to provide as safe a facility as we can.Our updated guidelines are:
- All events are to be booked
- Seating only.
- Tables of six.
- Lateral Flow Tests.
- Masks to worn when moving around the club.
Effective immediately the club will revert to our pre – Christmas opening hours and Mark will continue to offer a slightly reduced menu for the next few weeks.
Please note:
We are developing a new booking system for events on the website which will be easy to use and should also allow for cancellations. By using this facility, we will have much better control of numbers, and will hopefully allow members to take advantage of cancellations and thus avoid missing out due to ‘no shows’.We would also like to kindly remind members of the importance of signing in, both themselves and their guests
MYC Covid Committee
Covid Update - 6 December 2021
We would like to take this opportunity to give you an update on our thoughts and plans up until the New Year.
We had hoped that we might be in position to relax some, if not all of our Covid restrictions at this time. Unfortunately we now have another variant to contend with. There are concerns from the medical & scientific community that this variant may be more problematic than previous ones.
It’s believed to be more transmissible, so the best defence after vaccination remains MASKS, HAND WASHING & SOCIAL DISTANCING.
We plan to continue with our current policy, with masks being worn when moving around the club and whilst waiting at the bar. We would stress the importance of good hand washing and limiting some events to specific numbers, which will enable social distancing, however some events will not have restricted numbers.
This does cause some challenges as we are trying to balance risk against your pleasure, so your understanding and cooperation is very much appreciated.
Specifically for December we have the following Events scheduled and these will be managed as below:
Wednesday 8th Wednesday talk Limited numbers and booking.
Saturday 11th Sit down meal Fully booked.
Wednesday 15th Wednesday talk Limited numbers and booking.
Saturday 18th Variety Review Postponed
Wednesday 22nd Quiz night with Des Postponed
Sunday 26th Commodores drinks Cancelled
We have opened the Variety Review to all because we have a large cast and any limit would make the event untenable. We also wish to give as many members as possible the opportunity to attend.
We would however stress to everyone that whilst we can do a certain amount to protect members, on this occasion individuals must be responsible for their own decisions as to whether they attend or not. Social distancing will not be possible and the club house is likely to be crowded
Please do not come to the club at any time if you are in anyway unwell or have been in contact with someone who has had Covid in the last ten days.
The clubhouse will be closed between Christmas (except Boxing Day) and New Year and will re-open on the 5th January. Our first evening event will be on Friday 14th January. The club Covid Committee will meet during the first week of January by which time we would hope to have a better understanding of the situation and will of course update the membership accordingly.
Once again, many thanks for your support and understanding.
MYC Covid Committee
Plans to re-open on April 14th 2021
Following HMGs roadmap to freedom we are pleased to announce our plans for the re-opening of the club and facilities.
As you will know the schedule of easing the lockdown identifies 3 potential dates, April 12thMay 17thand June 21st. As these dates are described as “at the earliest” we have taken the decision to operate on a one date at a time basis.
We therefore plan to open the club on Wednesday 14th April subject to any changes by HMG. We will follow very much the same guidelines as we had when we opened on the 8thJuly 2020, as a reminder these are:
- Members and members family only at this time.
- Numbers limited to 30 people.
- Only the balcony area is open for seating, to drink or eat.
- A table only service will apply.
- Wherever possible a 2-metre distance should be kept.
- Maximum of 6 people per table.
- Face masks are compulsory within the clubhouse and recommended on the balcony if a 2-metre distance is not manageable.
- The one-way system will remain in operation, entrance via the balcony and exit through the main doors.
Given that we are outside only at this time we have re-adjusted the opening hours. We will remain closed on Monday and Tuesday however from Wednesday to Sunday opening hours will be 10.30 – 16.30. During these times as well as our normal drinks offering, we are pleased to confirm that Mark will also be offering a selection of teas and coffees with cakes, biscuits and light refreshments such as bacon rolls or toast and marmalade.
More details will be publicised nearer the time, however please be assured that we are constantly monitoring the situation and will keep all members fully up to date as and when we can.
MYC Re-opening 2nd December
1st December 2020
Dear Member
Following the announcement of the re-opening of the clubhouse I would like to take this opportunity to confirm the MYC policy in relation to the new Tier1 (Medium alert) regulations.
• It is mandatory for everyone to register via the Q card app or to sign the registration book.
• We must not meet in groups larger than 6 people, indoors or outdoors (the rule of six).
• As a hospitality venue selling food and drink, we are required by law to provide table service only.
• We must cease taking orders at 10 pm.
• We must close and remain closed between 11pm and 5am.
• We continue to use our one-way system, entry via the balcony and exit through the main doors.
• Masks must be worn at all times within the clubhouse except when seated eating or drinking.
• Members are required to keep movement around the club to a minimum and not to move from table to table.
Prior to the recent lockdown we had two internal events, a fish and chip supper and a Sunday lunch both of which were very successful and well supported so we are confident that we can again have some good social activities providing we keep to the rules and look out for each other.
Finally, I must point out the official HMG guidance in respect of movement between the Tiers
Tier 2
• You must not socialise with anyone you do not live with or is not in your support bubble in any indoor setting, whether at home or in a public place.
• If you live in a tier 2 area, you must continue to follow tier 2 rules when you travel to a tier 1 area.
Tier 3
• You must not meet socially indoors or in most outdoor places with anybody you do not live with, or who is not in your support bubble, this includes in any private garden or at most outdoor venues.
Unfortunately for MYC this means that we cannot allow anyone into the club house who does not reside in a Tier 1 area, namely Cornwall, Isles of Scilly or Isle of Wight.
We will of course continue to monitor the situation regularly and keep the membership up to date with any changes or improvements as and when we can.
Terry Stephens
Vice Commodore
Letter from the Commodore - 1st November 2020
Dear Member
Due to the Prime Minister’s announcement last night, it is with much regret that we will be closing the yacht club on Wednesday evening and it will remain closed until 3rd of December.
I have contacted Steve Nichols regarding the Silver Oyster Race and he is trying to organise this for Wednesday, confirmation will be put out later.
We are so sorry that this has had to be done but, as you are aware, we have our members’ best interests at heart. If the situation changes we will inform you accordingly.
Stay safe.
Ken Whitney,
Falmouth Harbour Commissioners
Falmouth Harbour Commissioners have posted a Port Notice To Mariners on May 13th lifting the ban on watersports.
Click on the link below to read this.
Falmouth Harbour Commissioners
Falmouth Harbour Commissioners have posted a Port Notice To Mariners on March 23rd concerning the closure of all pontoons, moorings and slipways.
Click on the link below to read this.
Letter from the Commodore - 19th March 2020
Dear Members
Due to the current situation with the Coronavirus, your Flag Officers and House Committee have decided that the club will close from Thursday 19th March until the end of April when we will review the situation and decide what further action to take.
It is with a sadness that we close the club, but the welfare of our members must be paramount.
We thank you for your continued support and your co-operation and understanding is greatly appreciated.
Please stay safe.
Kind regards,
Ken Whitney
Letter from the Commodore - 17th March 2020
Dear Members
Following the most recent Government advice, the Flag Officers and House Committee have agreed the following:-
The club will stay open on reduced hours, during which time Mark will carry out a deep clean.
All organised activities are cancelled for the next four weeks,notifications regarding the Fitting Out Supper and Spring Ball will follow.
Current activity groups eg, PPP, bridge and music groups may use the club at their own discretion during this time.
These measures are in place for the next four weeks, when they will be reviewed in line with Government guidelines. They are intended to safeguard all our members and we ask you to adhere to them as far as possible.
Please stay safe
Ken Whitney