The Harbour Tones is a group of like minded musicians that meet on the first and third Mondays in each month between 2pm and 4pm. We play a wide variety of music and any member of the club who plays a musical instrument is welcome to join us. For more information phone Pam O'Hanlon on […]
We are an informal group open to all Club members. Just bring along your own project and preferred materials. For more detail see report in 2024 Year Book. Any queries please contact Rosey Briggs or Anna Cruise.’
A film not to be missed, Woman in Gold stars Helen Mirren playing Maria Altmann. Maria was an octogenarian Jewish refugee, who took on the Austrian government to recover artwork she believed rightfully belonged to her family. A drama based on true events. Your supper for the night is a choice between Viennese Goulash or […]