10:00 Book Club 10:30 Coffee and chat 11:00 Bridge. New players very welcome 11-12:00 Beach womble and litter pick 12:30-13:15 Bring and share lunch 14:00-16:00 Printing workshop Spend the afternoon with Joan Fisher (printmaker) making prints using polystyrene blocks and acrylic paint. […]
We are an informal group open to all Club members. Just bring along your own project and preferred materials. For more detail see report in 2024 Year Book. Any queries please contact Rosey Briggs or Anna Cruise.’
Arranged by Rear-Commodore. Contact Trevor Jones if more details are required.
Ifor Pedley was promoted to Falmouth Harbour Master On 1st August 2024 and gained a UK Harbour Master Certificate for excellence in his operations role within Falmouth Harbour. Ifor has worked with Falmouth Harbour for more than five years including serving as Assistant Harbour Master for Operations and on the Pilot Boats – and latterly […]
Saturday Bar Snacks Hot bar snacks and light meals are now available on Saturdays. Jacket potatoes with various fillings, toasted sandwiches and soup.
Come and play some board games for an hour followed by homemade cake and a cuppa Scrabble, Dominos Whist, Rummikub Or why not bring along your favourite game? If you prefer, you could sit by the fire and chat, doze, or read magazines. £3 entry, to be paid at the door. All children under 18 […]
‘The Ladykillers’, staring Tom Hanks, is a remake of the original Ealing Studios film and a light-hearted comedy. A would-be professor rents the cellar of Mrs Munson for his 'band' to practice for a concert, but they're really tunnelling to steal a mint from a riverboat casino. All goes well until Mrs Munson realises that […]
MYC Sunday Lunches Today: Your hosts this week are Ali & Frank Cox who will be making soup - cost £6, and Nat Nixon who will be making the special - cost £6. Available on a first come, first served basis, and no need to book. The lunches will be served from 12.30 to 14.00. […]