Handicap policy


1. The aim of this policy is to assist the achievement of fair racing at Mylor Yacht Club (MYC), as required by the Racing Rules of Sailing Rule 2, by setting a boat’s handicap in a fair, open and transparent manner.

2. Boats competing in MYC racing will be allocated a handicap number using an adjusted YTC number as required. See 5.0 below.

3. Receipt of the Entry Form attached to the Notice of Race 2019 (and fee if applicable: see paragraph 6 below) means that a boat is entered for all MYC races in 2019 from the date it is received . Every effort will be made to issue a handicap number within 48 hours of receipt of the entry form. However, a result will not be given unless the boat has been issued a handicap.

4. All entrants must complete all the information required on the MYC Entry & Handicap Formattached to the Notice of Race 2019 .

5. A boat’s YTC number will be generated using the formulae as defined in the YTC Policy & Procedures. This YTC number will be accessed & compared to historic performance data & the number so adjusted or not shall be the boat’s handicap number for MYC events only.

6. MYC Handicap numbers may be adjusted periodically during the sailing season, using a boat’s race performance data as follows:-

a) At the end of each Friday Night series & at the end of the season, a full performance analysis will be completed & the PFs will be adjusted by 25% of the difference between the MYC Handicap & the average of the achieved handicaps of the relevant races. Races with little wind will be discarded.


b) Boats that have an average achieved handicap that is within +/- 2% of their MYC Handicap will not be adjusted.

c) There will be no negative PFs. The YTCs will be the base figures.
d) Any obvious mistakes will be corrected immediately, but not applied retrospectively.

7. Failure to complete the Handicap Form may result in a temporary handicap number being issued until the necessary boat data has been obtained and checked, and the necessary calculations have been completed. Late entries may also be allocated a temporary handicap number, until the appropriate calculations can be completed.

8. A temporary handicap number shall not be altered; any results using this number will stand and will not be altered retrospectively.

9. Queries concerning individual handicaps shall be made in writing to the Racing Secretary.

Note. The boat’s unadjusted YTC number may be used at other events in the POSFA area & some clubs in the South West.