Social update

Mylor Yacht Club Social email
Sunday 29th September 2019

Social Secretary Alison York 01326 373598
Any information or updates please email details by the Friday of each week to
Mark Briggs at or phone 01326 374391

Changes to club opening hours or events.

Friday 4th October – Start time for the Constantine Ukuleke orchestra is 8.15pm not 8.50pm as advertised in the last email.

Saturday 5th October 2019 – The club is being hired by a member for a private function from 18:00 till late.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

This Autumn’s program is now available, pick yours up at the clubhouse at the top of the stairs

Upcoming Events

Do you need ice for your G&T, or just to cool your coolbox. If so then you can get 2kg bags of ice from the club for £1.00 each.

Available now for £1.50
Magnum icecream
and Roskillies ice cream tubs also for £1.50 each