Trophies – The 24–Hour Series Cup

Presented by MYC Committee, originally for a race of this duration that included Wolf Rock and East Rutts.

It then became an overall cup for the Offshore Series for PY boats and then for the cruise going furthest east of Falmouth.  More recently, this has been refined to the winner of a log competition for a memorable 24-hour period during a cruise sailing east of Falmouth.

Year: 1979

Approx. height 225mm

Awarded to:

1979SabrinaR. Roebruck
1980Cairenn IIF. A. McHenry
1981Cairenn IIF. A. McHenry
1982Bumble BeeD. Farmer
1983Bumble BeeD. Farmer
1985Cairenn IIF. A. McHenry
1986Cairenn IIF. A. McHenry
1987Cairenn IIF. A. McHenry
1988Cairenn IIF. A. McHenry
1989Cairenn IIF. A. McHenry
1991IphigeniaJ. Blewett
1993La Bella SirenaJ. Blewett
1996BrainwaveG. Dover
1997BrainwaveG. Dover
1998No qualifiers
1999No qualifiers
2000CheironK. Bellman
2001Dolphin IIIJ & D. Carty
2002SpeedwellR & M. Green
2003Lucky DevilR & C. Browne
2004CzarM & G. Lovesey
2005PinstripeBrian & Gillian Timmins
2006SaraJohn & Andy Cossey
2007JezailBob & Caroline Shearer
2008Mary WinwardAndy Birchall
2009RattlerAnne & Alan Ramsden
2010Deja-vuMurray Smith
2011E'le May Ian & Lyn Horne
2012JemaraP & K Azancot
2013Silver Girl P Bates & G Grundy
2014NarniaS & P Standley
2015Celebration S & S Ricketts
2016VioletR & S Owen
2017 - 2021not awarded
2022Liberty JaneM Wright
2023VagabondS & L McGrath
2024DollyS & L Fleming

Other information:

The cup is prominently engraved POFSA.  This relates to the local port handicapping system that was used at the time.

Currently, this cup is presented at a Cruising evening event during the winter following the season in question.